The climate change we caused is here for at least 50,000 years – and probably far longer
Leicester (UK), Dec 6 (The Conversation) In February 2000, Paul Crutzen rose to speak at the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme in Mexico. And when he spoke, people took notice. He was then one of the world’s most cited scientists, a Nobel laureate working on huge-scale problems – the ozone hole, the effects of a nuclear winter. […]
The UK apologizes to families of 97 Liverpool soccer fans killed after a stadium crush 34 years ago
LONDON (AP) — The British government apologized Wednesday to the families of 97 Liverpool soccer fans who died after a stadium crush 34 years ago, as it introduced a charter it said will sharply diminish the chances that others will endure the kinds of injustices they suffered.
The last stop of suspected murderer of teenager Vanja: Palevski has been arrested in this Turkish town
The UK plans to ignore part of its human rights law to revive a Rwanda asylum plan
The U.K. government has published legislation that will let it ignore a part of the country's human rights laws in order to send asylum-seekers on a one-way trip to Rwanda.
The US is poised to require foreign aircraft-repair shops to test workers for drugs and alcohol
WASHINGTON — The Federal Aviation Administration has proposed mandatory drug and alcohol testing for employees of aircraft-repair shops in other countries.
last updated on 11 Dec 00:39