The Internet Is Losing It Over HBO Green-Lighting A Movie About George Santos, And The Chaos Continues

by · BuzzFeed

George Santos has been trending nonstop after being expelled from Congress last week for multiple violations including allegedly spending campaign funds on Botox, OnlyFans, and Hermés.

Tom Williams / Getty Images

Santos's antics have seemingly made him a pop culture  phenomenon. Since being expelled last week, he's been offered an interview with late-night comedy talk show host Ziwe, AND he's now reportedly charging $200 for Cameo fan videos.

@ziwe / @MrSantosNY

People are literally calling him "iconic":

The Washington Post / Getty Images / @GenePark

Now, the Santos drama is officially hitting screens. It was recently reported by Deadline that a George Santos movie is being developed by HBO Films.

Newsday LLC / Getty Images

Yes, you read that right. A George Santos movie.

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Reportedly, the film will be based off of Mark Chiusano’s recently published book entitled The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos.

According to Deadline, "The film tells the story of a seemingly minor local race that wound up a battle for the soul of Long Island, and unexpectedly carved the path for the world’s most famous (and now disgraced) congressman."

Michael M. Santiago / Getty Images

The movie is said to be the "Gatsby-esque journey of a man from nowhere who exploited the system, waged war on truth, and swindled one of the wealthiest districts in the country to achieve his American Dream," per Deadline.

Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Variety has confirmed that the upcoming movie is being developed by some HBO heavy hitters, including Frank Rich — executive producer of HBO's Succession and political comedy Veep, and Mike Makowsky — writer for the HBO film, Bad Education.

ProArtWork / Getty Images

The rumors of a possible George Santos limited series/movie have been circling the internet for a while, and now, people are sharing their excitement at the official news:

Scott Olsen / Getty Images / BRAVO @PopBase / @nagy_minaj

Another user wrote: "They way I will be sat. He might be my Halloween costume next year."

Scott Olsen / Getty Images / @PopBase / @brion_xcx

Some have even been fan-casting actors to play Santos:

Hulu / @LolOverruled / @DEADLINE

Another wrote: "Robby from New Girl, I have the role of a lifetime for you."

FOX / Getty Images, Win Mcnamee / Getty Images

Opposingly, others are warning against platforming people who have proven to be unethical, with one user writing: "I'm sorry, but a George Santos movie is ridiculous. Can we stop rewarding grifters, liars, and losers for being terrible people?"


Agreeing, another wrote: "Surprisingly enough, I don't need a movie about George Santos, HBO. We just lived it."

@NotHoodlum / Via Twitter: @NotHoodlum

I want to know how you feel about a George Santos movie? Let us know in the comments!