Alain Cocq

Frenchman to livestream death in right-to-die case

· Pune Mirror

DIJON, FRANCEA Frenchman who is suffering from an incurable condition said on Friday he plans to livestream his death on social media as he refuses to take food, drink or medicine after President Emmanuel Macron turned down his request for euthanasia.

Alain Cocq, who suffers from a rare condition where the walls of the arteries stick together, said he believed he had less than a week to live and would livestream his death on Facebook from Saturday morning. He had written to Macron asking to be given a substance that would allow him to die in peace but the president wrote back to him explaining this was not allowed under French law.

Cocq, 57, has used his plight to draw attention to the situation of terminally-ill patients in France who are unable to be allowed to die in line with their wishes.

“Because I am not above the law, I am not able to comply with your request,” Macron said in a letter to Cocq, which the patient published on his Facebook page.

In order to show France the “agony” caused by the law in its current state, Cocq told AFP he would broadcast the end of his life on his Facebook page which he believed would come in “four to five days”.